Category Archives: Holidays

I Wasn’t Kidding

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Christmas Street at the downtown Vancouver HSBC

I knew from seeing the signs in September that HBC was going to open it’s Christmas Street store October 1st. I wondered whether I’d be able to resist going in to check it out.

One of the stars in a certain home decor guru’s line

Blame it on the fact that I get bored easily during my lunch hour, because I’ve been. Twice. Took notes even.

Set aside the fact that it seems totally inappropriate to put out Christmas decor before Thanksgiving or Halloween, and what do you have? Well, a lot of fun actually. The displays are well done, the colours interesting, and it’s not completely reliant on cheap plastic fiddly bits. Considering that I’m in the midst of pre-Christmas planning right now (because if it doesn’t happen by December 1st, it ain’t getting done!) this is a GOOD THING. Yeah, I know I’m nuts.

Just one thing – the Nutcracker Corridor of Horror has gotta go.

Better photos here